Case Research
Case research, also called case study, is a method of intensively studying a phenomenon
over time within its natural setting in one or a few sites. Multiple methods of data collection,
such as interviews, observations, prerecorded documents, and secondary data, may be
employed and inferences about the phenomenon of interest tend to be rich, detailed, and
contextualized. Case research can be employed in a positivist manner for the purpose of theory
testing or in an interpretive manner for theory building. This method is more popular in
business research than in other social science disciplines.
Case research has several unique strengths over competing research methods such as
experiments and survey research. First, case research can be used for either theory building or
theory testing, while positivist methods can be used for theory testing only. In interpretive case
research, the constructs of interest need not be known in advance, but may emerge from the
data as the research progresses. Second, the research questions can be modified during the
research process if the original questions are found to be less relevant or salient. This is not
possible in any positivist method after the data is collected. Third, case research can help
derive richer, more contextualized, and more authentic interpretation of the phenomenon of
interest than most other research methods by virtue of its ability to capture a rich array of
contextual data. Fourth, the phenomenon of interest can be studied from the perspectives of
multiple participants and using multiple levels of analysis (e.g., individual and organizational).
At the same time, case research also has some inherent weaknesses. Because it involves
no experimental control, internal validity of inferences remain weak. Of course, this is a
common problem for all research methods except experiments. However, as described later,
the problem of controls may be addressed in case research using “natural controls”. Second, the
quality of inferences derived from case research depends heavily on the integrative powers of
the researcher. An experienced researcher may see concepts and patterns in case data that a
novice researcher may miss. Hence, the findings are sometimes criticized as being subjective.
Finally, because the inferences are heavily contextualized, it may be difficult to generalize
inferences from case research to other contexts or other organizations.
It is important to recognize that case research is different from case descriptions such as
Harvard case studies discussed in business classes. While case descriptions typically describe
an organizational problem in rich detail with the goal of stimulating classroom discussion and
critical thinking among students, or analyzing how well an organization handled a specific
problem, case research is a formal research technique that involves a scientific method to
derive explanations of organizational phenomena.
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Case research is a difficult research method that requires advanced research skills on
the part of the researcher, and is therefore, often prone to error. Benbasat et al. (1987)8
describe five problems frequently encountered in case research studies. First, many case
research studies start without specific research questions, and therefore end up without having
any specific answers or insightful inferences. Second, case sites are often chosen based on
access and convenience, rather than based on the fit with the research questions, and are
therefore cannot adequately address the research questions of interest. Third, researchers
often do not validate or triangulate data collected using multiple means, which may lead to
biased interpretation based on responses from biased interviewees. Fourth, many studies
provide very little details on how data was collected (e.g., what interview questions were used,
which documents were examined, what are the organizational positions of each interviewee,
etc.) or analyzed, which may raise doubts about the reliability of the inferences. Finally, despite
its strength as a longitudinal research method, many case research studies do not follow
through a phenomenon in a longitudinal manner, and hence present only a cross-sectional and
limited view of organizational processes and phenomena that are temporal in nature.
Key Decisions in Case Research
Several key decisions must be made by a researcher when considering a case research
method. First, is this the right method for the research questions being studied? The case
research method is particularly appropriate for exploratory studies for discovering relevant
constructs in areas where theory building at the formative stages, for studies where the
experiences of participants and context of actions are critical, and for studies aimed at
understanding complex, temporal processes (why and how of a phenomenon) rather than
factors or causes (what). This method is well-suited for studying complex organizational
processes that involve multiple participants and interacting sequences of events, such as
organizational change and large-scale technology implementation projects.
Second, what is the appropriate unit of analysis for a case research study? Since case
research can simultaneously examine multiple units of analyses, the researcher must decide
whether she wishes to study a phenomenon at the individual, group, and organizational level or
at multiple levels. For instance, a study of group decision making or group work may combine
individual-level constructs such as individual participation in group activities with group-level
constructs, such as group cohesion and group leadership, to derive richer understanding than
that can be achieved from a single level of analysis.
Third, should the researcher employ a single-case or multiple-case design? The single
case design is more appropriate at the outset of theory generation, if the situation is unique or
extreme, if it is revelatory (i.e., the situation was previously inaccessible for scientific
investigation), or if it represents a critical or contrary case for testing a well-formulated theory.
The multiple case design is more appropriate for theory testing, for establishing generalizability
of inferences, and for developing richer and more nuanced interpretations of a phenomenon.
Yin (1984)9 recommends the use of multiple case sites with replication logic, viewing each case
site as similar to one experimental study, and following rules of scientific rigor similar to that
used in positivist research.
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Sunday, 13 March 2016
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